Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day, Dad

Father's Day will never be the same.

I would give anything to be able to drive up to Wyoming today and just sit on the porch with Dad. Just one more time. I'd love to hear him tell one more story. Share one more laugh. One more bike ride. One more horse ride. It's sad how many little things like that you can take for granted. You take them for granted until they are gone.

If anyone reads this today I hope that for this one day you appreciate the time you get to spend with your dad. If you don't see your Dad today, then make sure the next time you see him you appreciate the time you have to spend with him. Give him a hug, tell him you love him. You may not have the chance again.

It's moments like these in this video that I will miss the most, and I know it's what he is missing the most on Father's Day.

We love you, Dad!


Mel & Annette said...

Thanks for sharing and thanks for excellent advise. I'm afraid that we all tend to take the special little moments for granted. They are gone too soon!

Jennilyn Proulx said...

You keep making me cry...

LaDonna and Ben said...

That was an amazing post. Jer, you are an amazing dad, just like your father. I miss your little family.